
North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Grades 1-5 In this class, children will learn to sew using a variety of hand sewing techniques. Participants will use their sewing skills to create an original “sock monster” animal and small beanbags for a family game. This class is taught by artist Romi Sebald of Cranberry Brook Designs.  


Toddler Engineering: Think Outside the Box

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Ages 3-5 When is a box not a box? When you use your imagination! In this workshop,  students will see their creativity come to life while applying STEM skills and building their own interactive products.  Students become engineers by immersing themselves in the design process--from brainstorming ideas, drafting a blueprint and implementation plan, to creating a […]


Theater: Make Your Own Sequel

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Grades K-5 We've all read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but what happens after the caterpillar turns into a butterfly?  Who will the butterfly meet?  More importantly, is the butterfly still hungry?  We'll write our own play about the aftermath and perform it!


Grade 2-6 Engineering: Think Outside the Box

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Grades 2-6 In this workshop,  students will see their creativity come to life while applying STEM skills and building their own interactive products.  Students become engineers by immersing themselves in the design process--from brainstorming ideas, drafting a blueprint and implementation plan, to creating a final product made out of cardboard including an original, playful use of […]


Toddler Music

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Toddler Music is a mixed-age music and movement class for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and their caregivers, that includes activities designed to promote musical learning across ages. Activities include singing and chanting, dancing and finger plays, and playing children’s instruments, aka: making noise and jumping around. You don’t want your little one to miss out! With […]


Science of Space

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Grades 1-5 Are you ready for an out-of-this world adventure? We’re going to explore the otherworldly beauty of alien planets and cosmic phenomena and discover the incredible potential of extremophiles on earth. We can see how intelligent life could develop in ways not as alien as we think!


The Wonders of Water

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

In a special collaboration with Clarkson University’s own Dr. Taeyoung Kim and Carolyne Schultes, we’ll be breaking down the science behind water filtration methods! At 11am, we’ll offer a condensed, toddler-friendly version of the program, but at 2pm, we’ll have the experts themselves come in and run through all 5 kid-friendly activities! Program runs at […]


Illuminated Kinetic Playground

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Come experience the Illuminated Kinetic Art Playground at the North Country Children's Museum. Spin, build and create within this unique art installation. Artist Liza Labarge Paige created a room of interactive sculptures for hands-on play. Liza is a professional artist working in mixed-media. She has exhibited at museums and galleries nationally. This temporary exhibit was funded by the […]


Lighting Up the Longest Night

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

The longest night of the year is coming soon, so let’s prepare for the darkness with our own ice lanterns! We’ll explore how ancient cultures marked the solstice, and why […]


DIY Wrapping Paper

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Come use our unique rollers to make your very own wrapping paper. We will have lots of different colors and texture to choose from. Bring a gift to wrap in […]
