Toddler Music

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam

Toddler Music is a mixed-age music and movement class for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and their caregivers, that includes activities designed to promote musical learning across ages. Activities include singing and […]


The Art of Slime

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam

SLIME! Who doesn't love the ooey gooey substance! Maybe you've learned about the science of slime, but have you thought of slime as an art form? Let's experiment with mixing different […]


Sewing: Clothes for Teddy

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam

Grades 1-5 In this class, children will learn to sew using a variety of hand sewing techniques. Participants will use their sewing skills to create clothing for teddy bears, dolls, and toys and other projects as time allows. This class is taught by artist Romi Sebald of Cranberry Brook Designs.
