Watershed Wonders

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Create your own rivers and lakes that mirror what we see in the Adirondacks. Explore how much pollution matters to our local ecosystem.

Aquaponic Fish Bowl

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Come learn about aquaponics and create an aquaponic fishbowl art project.

Bird Brains

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Stretch your mind and learn how different animal brains really are from our own (or are they?)

Pre-K Program – Floating Chalk Prints

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Engage in a fun printmaking experience as you learn about colors using unique floating chalk method.


North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Come learn about light and color refraction, and build your very own kaleidascope!

If I’m a Bird – You’re a Bird

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Birds like crows exhibit interesting behavior that indicate a higher level of intelligence then we often afford the bird world. Come explore the surprising world of bird behavior and the art, yes the art, that they create.

Pre-K Program – Stories and Play

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Come every other week for a new story and a hands-on activity that relates to the book. Children will leave every session with something they built themselves!

Hardest Workers in the Animal Kingdom

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Come celebrate Labor Day Weekend by learning about all the hard work that other species in the animal kingdom do. These creatures work tirelessly for long hours in the toughest conditions just to survive. Let's show our appreciation by exploring their work, and maybe even try some of it out for ourselves.

Morph Me!

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Learn about Camouflage animals that use blending in to survive! Create your own Camouflage vest. Do you notice textures, shapes and colors common to your surroundings that can help you blend into your environment?