Pre-K Program: Painting with Toy Cars

Come race toy cars on a track of paint and see how movement and momentum can be used to create beautiful works of art.

Family STEM: Exploring Holograms

Learn about holograms and create a simple device that turns your smart phone or tablet into holographic technology.

Family Art: Sand Mandalas

Learn about the process of Sand Mandala creation. Who creates Sand Mandalas and what do they represent? Create your own sand mandala to take home.  

Pre-K Program: Aurora Borealis

Create an Aurora Borealis with glow sticks and water. After viewing our radiant creations, we will experiment with their sound.  

Family STEAM: Falling Apples

Apple season is upon us! In this STEAM workshop, families will learn how and why apple trees produce fruit. Then create your own self-balancing apple that can be hung from a thread.  

Family Art: Insect Assemblage

Have you ever wondered what happens to old jewelry and unused watches? Come learn about the Art of Assemblage and Justin Gershenson-Gates. Justin is a jeweler turned sculptor who works on a teeny tiny scale. He turns old mechanical junk into robot-like bugs! You will make a tiny bug as well! We even have batteries […]

Family STEM: Design Challenge Wrecking Balls

In this design challenge program, families build their own wrecking balls and try to knock down structures. Explore how wrecking balls play a role in city construction, test different designs, and build your own deconstruction technology.  

Special Event: Super Hero Sunday!

Super Hero Capes- Come meet the North Country Crusaders and make your own superhero cape! Think about your own personal super hero logo! You can add this emblem to your cape.

Pre-K Program: Arctic Animals

How do arctic animals stay warm in icy water? Come find out through this sensory activity.