Make your own clay Dol Hareubang

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Learn about these Korean stone grandfathers and make one of your own in a miniature version! Program runs at 11:00 and 2:00. No need to preregister. Program included with membership […]


Chemistry Lab Camp

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

In this camp, kids will experiment with explosions of color, texture, and science! Along with guest presenters, we'll periodically ignite fascination and excitement at the chemicals in our everyday lives. […]


Chemistry Lab Camp

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

In this camp, kids will experiment with explosions of color, texture, and science! Along with guest presenters, we'll periodically ignite fascination and excitement at the chemicals in our everyday lives. From simple Chromatography Races to homemade Biofuels, kids will safely learn about the variety of materials all around us.


Chemistry Lab Camp

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

In this camp, kids will experiment with explosions of color, texture, and science! Along with guest presenters, we'll periodically ignite fascination and excitement at the chemicals in our everyday lives. […]


Chemistry Lab Camp

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

In this camp, kids will experiment with explosions of color, texture, and science! Along with guest presenters, we'll periodically ignite fascination and excitement at the chemicals in our everyday lives. […]


Chemistry Lab Camp

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

In this camp, kids will experiment with explosions of color, texture, and science! Along with guest presenters, we'll periodically ignite fascination and excitement at the chemicals in our everyday lives. […]


Whoo-hoo’s There?

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

What's inside of an Owl's hairball? Let's take some apart to find out! We'll also look at some of the owls that live nearby and learn what makes them Super […]


Make Your Own Jellyfish!

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Learn about jellyfish and then make your own!  Don’t worry, these homemade friends won’t sting you. Program runs at 11:00 and 2:00. No need to preregister. Program included with membership […]


Movie Making Camp

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to make your own movie?  Join us by creating a movie from the ground up!  We will make our own silent film by […]


Movie Making Camp

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to make your own movie?  Join us by creating a movie from the ground up!  We will make our own silent film by […]
