Nick Cave Inspired Sound Socks

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Celebrate the work of Nick Cave who combines fine art with fashion design, music, performance and the art of "play" within his personal artworks. Create a pair of "sound socks" to take home as you dance, perform and play as a work of walking fine art!

Nick Cave Inspired Sound Socks

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Celebrate the work of Nick Cave who combines fine art with fashion design, music, performance and the art of "play" within his personal artworks. Create a pair of "sound socks" to take home as you dance, perform and play as a work of walking fine art!

Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party

North Country Children's Museum 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam, NY, United States

Celebrate Women's History Month by learning about artist Judy Chicago. We will focus on her dinner party installation and recreate our own mini plates and tapestries. Our Neighbors over at SLCarts have a "Reimagined Judy Chicago Dinner Party" Installation created all by local artists. We hope you can go check it out.